Disappointing eye candy

Let’s face it we all judge books by their covers sometimes. In fact, I do it all the time. I just can’t resist buying a beautiful book and although the inside usually matches the outside, it sometimes really, really doesn’t. I have made a list of five books where I did not love the story nearly as much as the cover and will now share it with all of you.

1 Fallen by Lauren Kate Fallen (Fallen, #1)Goodreads

This cover is so beautiful and when I saw it, I thought; I need that book! Then I read it and ended up giving it two stars because I just couldn’t get into it. I didn’t like the protagonist or the love interest and I can no longer remember anything about it other than the fact that I did not like it very much.

2 Immortal by Gillian ShieldsImmortal (Immortal, #1)


This might be one of the most beautiful books I own. Unfortunately, it has a serious case of instalove and a ditzy main character that just made me So mad. She nearly gets trampled by a guy on a horse and even though he is rude and unapologetic she just instantly fall for him because he is so dreamy. Just NO!! I gave this one star because it was just the Worst instalove I have ever read.

3 Winterspell by Claire LegrandWinterspell (Winterspell, #1)Goodreads

I really feel like I made a mistake purchasing this book because I disliked it so much I ended up not finishing it. I almost never DNF books so the fact that I just could not get through this says a lot about my feelings. I just had so many problems whit it. On the upside, it looks good on my bookshelf…

4 Shatter me by Tahereh MafiShatter Me (Shatter Me, #1)Goodreads

This book was beautifully written and I neither loved it nor hated it. I simply thought it was ok and because I LOVE the cover and expected to be blown away by the story it was a bit disappointing.

5 Masque of the Red Death by Bethany GriffinMasque of the Red Death (Masque of the Red Death, #1)Goodreads

This book just felt like MEH. I did not care at all about the characters or what would happen to their world.

That was my list and I hope none of you feels offended by any of my choices! This is just my opinions and if you like these books, I think that’s great! 😀

What are some books that you guys feel did not live up to the beauty of their covers? 🙂


13 thoughts on “Disappointing eye candy

  1. anotherclosethippie says:

    I’m trying to think of a book I own that has a beautiful cover. I can’t think of any that are particularly striking 0.o I have no idea what that says about me 😉 Anyhow, I enjoyed this interesting post!


  2. followingmusesblog says:

    I couldn’t agree more with Fallen being number one on this list! Somehow I managed to get through the second and third book too, that’s only because I’m curious about the ending and wouldn’t be able to DNF the series now that I have read three of them. With each book it feels like it’s getting worse, too many pages for too little development. *laughing/crying*
    To see Shatter Me on the list actually surprised me a lot, but if you decide to pick up the second book anyway, I’ve heard from many vloggers and bloggers that the trilogy got better with every book! That’s what I think too, but I loved all of them enough to give five stars :’D


  3. Bound to Be Me says:

    I felt the same way about Fallen and Masque of the Red Death. But I did really enjoy Shatter Me. I thought the writing style was unique and the characters pain was palpable.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Claire Wells says:

    Completely agree with Fallen. That book in my opinion was absolutely terrible, I never rated it, but as a blogger now I would give it 1 star. I’ve heard good things about Winterspell though, I guess I will have to check that one out from the library. We’ll see! Great post, it was interesting!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. irena_bookdustmagic says:

    ohh, I agree with you when it comes to Shatter Me.
    The only difference is – I really didn’t lke that book, and I didn’t like the cover either. Everyone seems to love this cover, but I can’t see anything specal about it…

    I didn’t think about those dissapointing eye candies, but there is one book that could fit in that caregory – The Edge of Never by J.A. Redemrski. Such a beautiful book and such an awful story (at least for me)…


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